Monday, November 6, 2017


Hi Jeanne,


This is great. You did a wonderful job of making me sound smart.  If you are promoting on Twitter, I'm @proflyons.  I'll promote among my followers.  I have far more LinkedIn followers than Twitter followers so I'll work on both platforms for you.


My office address is:


Sean Lyons

Department of Management, Room 222 MacDonald Hall

University of Guelph

50 Stone Road E

Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1


It was a pleasure talking to you. I can't wait to hear your future podcasts!





Sean Lyons, PhD
Professor, Leadership + Management
College of Business + Economics
University of Guelph


From: Jeanne Brassard <>
Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 3:49:10 PM
To: Sean Lyons
Subject: Giant THANK YOU!!
Good afternoon Sean,

I hope you are well.

This is just a little follow-up to let you know our first episode, featuring you, is now launched and available on ITunes:

I'll be sharing it on social media tonight or tomorrow, feel free to do the same if you wish. I must say even if I have now heard this multiple times now throughout the editing process, what you share is amazing and so very insightful.

We've kept it as natural as possible considering editing we did.

Thank you so much once again for contributing your time, wisdom and perspectives. I really hope you like it.

I am wondering if you have an office address you could share, would love to send a little token of thanks.

Please stay in touch.

Warm wishes,


The SuperQuad